St. Mesrob Armenian Church

your armenian church

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Welcome to your Armenian Church in Racine, Wisconsin.

We are an Armenian Apostolic Church community rich in history, tradition and passion to serve the Lord and the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Through the unique approach of the Armenian Church we aim to provide spiritual, cultural, and educational fulfillment to our parishioners and community.

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St. Mesrob Armenian Church

4605 Erie St.
Racine, WI 53402

T: 262.639.0531
F: 262.639.1521

Worship Schedule
Sundays @ 8:30am - Morning Service

9:30am - Divine Liturgy

Office Hours:
Tue & Thur. 10am-2pm
and by appointment

Rev. Fr. Avedis Kalayjian


Steve Gengozian
Parish Council Chairman

Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ in SE Wisconsin since 1922

Celebrating 50 years
On Erie Stree